Sunday, October 21, 2012

Caspian in the Fall - You are my Sonshine

Three years old, you love super heroes, specifically the Avengers, Superman, Batman are a close second. Rocks, throwing rocks, and getting dirty, your hair is getting long but I refuse to cut it. You call me your "peanut" and still prefer snuggles from mommy to any alternative to going to sleep. The camera is your enemy and I can't get you to look at me no matter how hard I try. You are still my little boy even though you are growing older. 

Today I picked you up from Ashley's house where you spent most of the weekend while I shot different sessions. You wore your Captain America costume to her house, played with little Paisley and her mommy while she took pictures of you in the play yard wearing her sweater (mommy forgot your jacket). You packed your own lunch, your favorite, Velveeta mac&cheese (with sweet peas which you called "beans"), you make me so proud. On our way home we stopped near the TBS gate at the Quantico base and I asked the guard if I could take a few pictures, and I carried you to the nearest colorful trees and set you down. The first image I captured is my favorite of all, you looked straight at me which you seldom do, wolverine squinkies toy safely clenched in your hand. You then started picking rocks and throwing them, then decided you wanted to walk away from me so I picked you up and sat you on the car, you loved that! I snapped a few more and then let you walk through the "crunchy leaves", you started hugging the trees and picking up big pieces of wood. Mosquitos were biting us so we wrapped it up and I picked you up ready to go, and that was our little fall adventure. Caspian, I love you so much words cannot explain. Oh how it hurts to know you're growing up so fast, its so evident in these images you are only three and look so much bigger. With every second of every day you share with me your joy, keen sense of adventure and unconditional love, I look forward to every minute I get to spend with you, capturing as much as I can even if its not your favorite thing to do 

Love, Your mommy Jenne. 

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