Monday, September 19, 2011

Human Goodness?

Questioning today if it is even worth trying to help save this race.. I've recently been ambushed by the hightened awareness of Child Abuse, Human trafficking and pornography. Just dont know where the human goodness is? Is it in those who live in the second or third world countries and are ignorant to their own conditions, those who know not what they can do to make their lives better. Or is it in those who live in first world countries that carelessly live their lives without a care or consideration about what goes on outside their own immediate social circle. I am so upset for thinking this way but is it even worth it? Or am I just a quitter!

No. I refuse to quit. At least not for the children, they are the future and to get to them I must first get to the mothers. The woman is the pillar of the home, the foundation, the do-all and the law of the home. What can I do to make a difference??? Ugh is it so frustrating, I want to help but I must first help myself. I continue with my dream to be a doctor. Reconsidering whether a pediatritian is a better choice than an OB/GYN.. At this point I dont know but my thought remains, I must find the human goodness that is left, and that is in the innocense of children.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Caspian was driving me insane today. He pooped in his diaper and THEN told me that he needed to go. He broke a the lightbulb from his Mickey Mouse nightlight that his uncle Cris bought him yesterday. Then cried because I wouldn't let him touch the broken glass as I was trying to sweep it off so he would not cut his feet.  When my mom served him lunch he picks up his plate and spills all his food on the floor, I had to feed it to the dogs. Then he decides that he wants to sit on my lap and wouldn't eat his newly served plate of food. He started to reach for something and spilled all of my drink all over the table and floor. I mopped it up and sat back down to eat and he kept pointing at my food so I offered him some and he wouldn't eat it. I tried taking a bite and he grabbed my thumb and held it down twice as he grunted for me not to take a bite. I was so fed up by then I told my mom to eat my food and I was leaving for school. I walk out with my Biology book and keys in hand and then remembered I needed my pencils and my blouse. He saw me walk back in the house and slams the door. Then when I tried to get out to leave again he stood by the door so I wouldn't get out without him. My mom had to come and get him. I kissed him and left as the tears just swelled out of his eyes. INSANITY!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Grandpa's Handmade Gift Video

Caspian is an artist, and I finally got to upload the pictures from this event! Its my first video in iPhoto and I have a list of things I could have done better but its good for having done it in fifteen minutes before class started. <3 Hope you enjoy re-living this Grandpa! Caspian's Handmade Gift, mommy loves handmade gifts so we thought grandpa would too :D