Thursday, August 18, 2011


 Just a few more days. Caspian and I spent our day blowing bubbles from his chocolate ice cream cone bubble soap and wand his Grandma Mary gave him. It was chocolate scented so he thought it would be a good idea to drink the soap and then he cried for milk from the sour taste, silly man! We went out for a walk since it was such a beautiful day outside and then came home to "clean" lol yeah right.. We blew more bubbles, read a few books and painted <3

Daddy came home and we went to see the Parkridge Townhome Apts near the Dehaven's house. I really like this place but Kevin likes Sky Terrace because they are right outside the gate. Each have their pros and cons, I am hoping to get into Parkridge if not there is always Sky Terrace. Plus Parkridge has a library right next door and is in a lot nicer area. We'll see what happens.
Its past 2 AM now and I have been procrastinating from editing the pictures from the Maternity shoot I did. I need to work on my discipline, it shouldn't take me longer than a few hours to work on a single session. I've always been so carefree and discipline just wasn't ever in my vocabulary until now. Caspian has been eating nothing but cheese and cracker and milk and juice. He refuses to eat vegetables or fruits and now stopped eating meats. I am starting to worry but I will continue to be the disciplinary and only provide healthy meals for him and provide a treat or "Kee" short for cookie when he actually eats his food. 

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