Sunday, October 9, 2011

Driving Wrecklessly

Last night I had a dream that I was driving a car. In my dream I was driving really fast even though I was on the freeway i was driving frightenly fast endangering my and the lives of the people that were with me. I saw what was a head of me but a part of me did not care. There was a big hill unlike in real life but in my dream it was part of the high way, rather it was like a mountain, and at the very top was only the road, two lanes and no barriers on the sides. I swirved and swayed because of my speed but I did not care. I remember being really determined to get somewhere or to get out of wherever I was FAST! It felt like a dull anxiety. Anyway at the top of this big mountain hill road I swerved uncontrollably trying to bypass another vehicle and before I knew it I lost control of the car. It wasn't until then that I realized that there were other people in the car that I was hurting, one of them my son and my mom. So the car fell off the road, tumbling down it turned over and hit a building off the side of the moutain, to myself I thought we're going to be fine just hold on and cover your heads.. When continued to roll down and I lost consciousness.
Then i woke up and the first thing I wanted to do is find out if my baby and my mom were ok. In my dream I was walking around with fresh bruises and open wounds on my face and body. I was home and found my brother Jesse who said Caspian was fine and he just had helped him make the bed. I kept asking to see him but he averted the question. I asked if my mom was ok but he did not answer. In the back of my mind I also knew Kevin had been in the accident but I didn't ask for him. Then I realized that something was wrong and I was dead.

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