Friday, November 16, 2012

Dominic - Alexandria Newborn Lifestyle Photography

Sweet little Dominic certainly gave me a run for my money, but we squeezed some gorgeous portraits out capturing his cuteness as a little newborn only a few days new. Congratulations Beraud Family! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shelby's Maternity Portraits

Shelby and Kevin are such a sweet couple, our session was on a late and cloudy day which teased to rain. She looked radiant in a blue blouse and he rocked it out in his white button up and blazer. Shelby is such a beautiful soul, so happy and free, she constantly laughed and giggled during our time together. We were losing light fast but the colors of the sky looked beautiful so we stopped to capture a few silhouettes in the gorgeous sunset light. I'm so lucky to be part of documenting this special moment for them, congratulations Shelby and Kevin! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ethan Newborn Portraits

A few days ago my family took a little mini road trip to Maryland to visit Tiffany and her newest little arrival. Ethan was such a handsome little guy and he did fabulous during his session allowing us to finish in almost record time. I loved getting to know Tiffany and her husband as they told me about what they do for a living and how they have to travel to a whole other state to go to work every morning, goes to show amazing people do amazing things.  Congratulations Carter Family! Cant wait to see you in a few months for your family portraits! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

800 Fab Fan Giveaway Results!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who was enthusiastic and participated. Congratulations to the lucky winners, I will be contacting you shortly.  I wish everyone could win something but that's not the case.  Also want to take a second to announce, there will be a new blog up very soon at under construction now, visit us here in late November! Thanks again you're all so fabulous!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

$30 Gift Certifinate to Jenne Vazquez Photography
Winner: Crystal Fichter

$25 of Goodies from Sugar Beans  Visit their Facebook page by clicking Here
Winner: Dallas Veade

1 Handmade Crochet Hat from hummingbird Craft Design Visit their Facebook page by clicking Here
Winner: Stephanie Niemann

$20 Gift Certificate to Jenne Vazquez Photography
Winner: Tara McGaugh

$15 Gift Card to Children's Place
Winner: Ashley Adams

$10 Toys R Us Giftcard
Winner: Alicia E

$10 Cold Stone Creamery Gift Card
Winner: Karoline Pratt

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Abigail Bliss - Alexandria Newborn Photography

Being a photographer I get to learn a lot of wonderful and interesting people. Chelan and her husband have a very exciting life, they lived out of the country with their two older daughters and then welcomed little Abigail during their temporary stay in the states. In a few months, they will move to a new country having learned a new language and added a member to their family. I loved getting to know Chelan and her husband as they told me about some very interesting things, did you know that Japan loves the US more than the US loves themselves? I didn't. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by great people like the Bliss family and my heart is happy to know I have friends across the nation & across world. Congratulations Bliss Family!